Hi! I’m Isaac,
MCC SALTer in Mesang, Cambodia
I'm from Broadway, Virginia in the United States and I am serving an 11-month term with Mennonite Central Committee in the Serving and Learning Together (SALT) program. My assignment location is Mesang, Cambodia, where I am working as a climate resiliency assistant with the Organization to Develop Our Villages (ODOV), a partner organization with MCC. ​
I am a recent graduate from Eastern Mennonite University in Virginia, US where I studied environmental science and photography. Through EMU I was introduced to a love of international travel studying abroad in the Middle East; however, this is my first experience traveling internationally as a service worker. I'm very excited to have an opportunity to both apply the degree I earned in university, and develop relationships with a host family, work community, and fellow MCC service workers in Cambodia and elsewhere this year.
The SALT program is grouped with two other MCC Global Service Learning programs called International Volunteer Exchange Program (IVEP) and Young Anabaptist Mennonite Exchange Program (YAMEN). SALTers are young adults from the US and Canada serving abroad, IVEPers are young adults from outside the US and Canada serving in the US, and YAMENers are young adults from outside the US and Canada serving in another country outside the US and Canada. These programs are all 11 months in length.